Author: Ciente Editorial Team

Reporting on marketing performance is often easier said than done. In this podcast with Mohammed Salah Helmy(Media Growth Strategy Director, Jellyfish), we lay out clear KPIs for media activation, the most effective ways to build a first-party audience database, drive relevant brand experiences, and measure what truly matters. The digital environment can devour anything. But, as marketers and publishers, we need to know how to feed it well. The dusty playbooks have got to go. Tune in now! About the Guest: Mohamed HelmyMedia Growth Strategy Director, Jellyfish Mohamed Salah Helmy is a Life lifelong learning Media and growth Strategy Director with…

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The customer has a unified view of your brand. Then why doesn’t your brand have a unified view of the customer? With marketing goals and expectations shifting and quality experiences being table stakes in the modern B2B environment, in this conversation with Elisha Gada (Global SMB Marketing Manager, Meta) we dive down into what B2B customers really care about. It isn’t an option to get to know your customer; it’s a strategic necessity in today’s high-paced field. High-performing marketing is all about understanding what the customers want and what shapes their decisions. Enjoy the episode! About the Guest: Elisha Gada…

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Marketing leaders are constantly juggling conflicting agendas and priorities, all while trying to hit targets and boost revenue. In this new episode of TechTalk, Sanjay Gopinath (Head – Marketing & Communications at Mathworks, and Ciente’s CMO Suruchi Bhargava discuss the current tech trends, the role of AI in revenue forecasts, prevailing demand gen pitfalls, and ultimately, the best ways to connect with your audience. Sanjay GopinathHead – Marketing & Communications , MathWorks Sanjay Gopinath heads Marketing & Communications and Accelerator – Startup Program for MathWorks India. In this role, he drives awareness and demand for MathWorks products amongst its commercial,…

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