Marketing leaders need the C-suite buy-in. But is it doable if you present a bill instead of an investment proposal to your CFO? It’s time to reevaluate.
Author: Ciente Editorial Team
Monetary success is a small fragment of the company’s corporate value. Can a strategic branding create lasting impression and improve its brand value?
Content creation is the fusion of experimentation and creativity. But as the buyer becomes self-directed, what role does content play in their journey? Content marketing is about answering a question. Advertisements, blog posts, snippets, and designs answer a question in the reader’s mind. Effective content adds value to an audience, pointing them in the right direction. From the early days of our ancient literature to the value-providing pages of the modern blog, audiences seek to elevate their understanding of a subject in response to a need. The need could be an intellectual curiosity, or for the B2B buyer, it means…
Determining the differences between you and your competitors is the key to sustaining the dynamic market. How can industry mapping help you in this arena? Businesses with a robust customer engagement framework have a chance of retaining 89% of their customers. But, the B2B landscape is highly competitive, where getting customers on board can be challenging, let alone retaining them. Assessing competition from every angle is crucial to developing strategies and adapting your offerings to meet the prospects’ needs. The good news is— you can leverage industry mapping to tip the scales of competition in your favor. Industry mapping is…